Project Result(Chi-square Test)

# Question Manwan Dachaoshan Nuozhadu Xiaowan
Non-resettled Resettled Non-resettled Resettled Non-resettled Resettled Non-resettled Resettled
1 I feel loyal to other villagers 80.77% 91.80% 73.77% 95.24% 84.98% 90.00% 92.70% 91.94%
2 I am the same as other villagers 75.64% 78.69% 80.33% 95.24% 83.19% 86.67% 86.13% 70.97%
3 If I need advices, I will ask other villagers 79.49% 72.13% 86.07% 93.65% 80.53% 53.88% 70.07% 58.07%
4 I believe that my neighbors will help me under urgent circumstances 83.33% 88.53% 74.59% 100% 81.42% 86.67% 86.13% 93.55%
5 I would like to improve my village with other people 94.23% 91.80% 97.53% 96.83% 89.38% 98.33% 88.32% 95.16%
6 I won't move out from the village 49.36% 59.02% 47.75% 47.62% 49.56% 66.67% 50.37% 64.52%
7 In general, I love to live in the village 62.82% 63.93% 67.21% 90.48% 60.18% 83.33% 78.10% 67.74%
8 In general, I am happy 51.92% 70.49% 75.41% 87.30% 52.12% 86.67% 83.94% 67.74%
9 I often stop and greet other villagers 89.10% 88.53% 87.71% 95.24% 87.66% 68.33% 79.56% 75.81%
10 My neighbors often come over to my home 72.88% 85.25% 90.16% 96.83% 70.80% 81.67% 75.18% 77.42%
11 My neighbors and I often borrow from and help each other 95.51% 88.53% 98.36% 100% 100% 86.67% 85.40% 90.32%
12 Individuals in this village will pay back the money 93.59% 86.89% 91.80% 80.95% 95.58% 93.33% 75.18% 87.10%
13 In general, I can believe most individuals in this village 80.13% 78.69% 72.13% 87.30% 72.57% 95.00% 84.67% 82.26%
14 In the past five years, loyalty has improved in this villages 48.08% 67.21% 58.20% 79.37% 30.97% 66.67% 74.45% 61.29%
15 Compared to other villages, this village does not have many problems. 42.31% 59.02% 45.90% 77.78% 30.97% 70.00% 80.29% 48.39%
16 Would you like to support a government project that does not benefit to your family but is good for the whole village? 95.51% 86.89% 100% 100% 96.46% 98.33% 93.43% 91.94%
17 Individuals in this village can solve their own problems 58.33% 65.57% 65.57% 87.30% 42.48% 75.00% 70.07% 48.39%
Numbers with colors indicate the results have significantly difference between resettled and non-resettled villagers


indicates the non-resettled people have a relatively higher positive feedback(Higher agreement)


indicates the resettled people have a relatively higher positive feedback

Two questions in this study showed that resettled and non-resettled communities from the four dam sites have significant association between two study groups. For Question 8 “In general, I am happy,” all dam sites showed a statistically significant difference between non-resettled and resettled groups. Resettled communities from Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Nuozhadu had a higher agreement rate compared to non-resettled groups from the same area. Resettled communities from the Xiaowan site showed the opposite. Meanwhile, for Question 15 “Compared to other villages, this village does not have many problems”, all dam sites also had statistically significantly different answers between the two groups and the agreement rate of responses was same as Question 8’s.

Next, for Question 14, “ In the past five years, loyalty has improved in this villages” and Question 17, “Individuals in this village can solve their own problems,” three dams sites showed statistically significant differences between the two study groups. There were only three dam sites considered for each of these two questions because Xiaowan was excluded from Question 14 and Manwan dam was excluded from Question 17.

Although not all the questions showed statistically significant differences between resettled and non-resettled communities, it is worth analyzing the percentage difference of all questions between the two groups. The statistical analysis showed that there is suggestive/significant evidence to indicate the association between the two groups. However, questions with P-value greater than 0.05 in the analysis does not mean there is no difference between the two groups but the evidence is not enough to prove. Thus, the main focus is on the test results with significantly difference but not to neglect the others.

In general, resettled people from Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Nuozhaodu reported higher satisfaction on loyalty (Questions 1, 13, and 14), trust (Question 3), happiness (Question 8), problems in the villages (Question 15) and ability to solve problems (Question 17). The percentages of neighbor relationships (Questions 4, 9, 10 and 11) are relatively high at the four sites. It seems that villagers from both groups established a good “guanxi” with neighbors. They maintain the “guanxi” by greeting neighbors and visiting their homes. When they need help, neighbors are likely to help each other and borrow resources. However, it seems a few resettled people in Manwan, Dachaoshan, and Nuozhaodu said that the people in the village will not pay back their loans. This might be evidence that some villagers still have conflicts over financial resources. Questions seven and eight show that nearly half of people from both groups want to move, though more people in the villages claimed that they love the village. The reasons why people want to move may or may not relate to their resettlement. Most villagers have faith in government projects, even if the project does not bring benefit to their families (Question 16).